Friday, September 11, 2015

EdCamp SD 2015 (aka FREE PD!)

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EdCamp SD is back! Last fall marked the first of hopefully many EdCamps in our state, and the feedback I heard was positive! If you weren't able to attend the inaugural EdCamp SD, please put this date on your calendar and consider attending:

EDCAMP Harrisburg
Oct. 17th, 2015

If the term EdCamp is new to you, here's a quick run-down. It is commonly referred to as an unconference because, unlike a regular conference, no one plans the sessions ahead of time. The participants begin the morning by bringing forth possible topics. From there, "sessions" are assigned rooms, and while someone typically leads, there is no true presenter. Sessions typically resemble discussions more than presentations. The participants lead the learning by sharing their best practices.
The Details
Where: Harrisburg South Middle School (600 S. Cliff Ave, Harrisburg, SD 57032)
When: Saturday, Oct. 17 (8:30 am - 3:30 pm)
Cost: FREE!!

If you happen to be west-river that weekend, EdCamp Lead is also taking place on Oct. 17th at the Lead-Deadwood High School (320 S. Main St., Lead, SD 57754).

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