Friday, September 25, 2015

Vocabulary In Context Website

Ever struggle with creating sentences that show a vocabulary word in context? This resource does it for you! Or, this could be a resource you share with your students to help them help themselves when they come across an unfamiliar word.

Words in a Sentence has over 2500 words (2611 as of Monday and 2636 at the moment, to be exact...) with sentences. Each word on the website is defined and then used in ten sentences to show the proper use in context. Many words also have synonyms and antonyms. From the looks of one page, it appears that they are working towards including an image for each word, too.

You (or your students) can also sign up for their word of the day.

Go learn a new word!

Hide those Floating Smart Board Tools!

Image result for floating smart notebook tools

If you are tired of the Smart Board toolbar always showing on your screen, follow these steps to make it disappear!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

District Assessment Resources

The wonderfully helpful Nicole Hansen from ATI shared out some resources for the assessment within our district. I've linked to the two that pertain to high school English below; the one caveat is that you must be logged-in to your k12 account to view these district files. If you happen to find one or some of them helpful, please make sure to thank Nicole!

South Dakota Assessment Portal resources folder includes:

  • Authoring Help Guide
  • Portal Help Guide
  • Reporting Help Guide
  • Scoring Help Guide
  • Widget and Properties Help Guide

Smarter Balanced resources folder includes:

  • Design Support Accommodations
  • Online Reporting
  • Test Security
  • Testing Information
  • Training Test Information
  • User Guides

Monday, September 21, 2015

Lakota Emergence Online Exhibit

"That night, they dreamt of unknown landscapes..."
Mixed Media by Michael Two Bulls, Oglala Sioux Tribe

CAIRNS (the Center for American Indian Research and Native Studies) recently published an online exhibit titled Lakota Emergence. The main feature of this exhibit is a collection of vignettes that revolve around the Lakota emergence narrative, "How the Lakota Came Upon the World." The short narrative is divided into 16 pieces, each of which is paired with practical and historical Lakota museum objects, and an original piece by a modern Lakota artist who "creatively interpret[s] the passages and museum objects from a contemporary Lakota point of view." The culmination is a vignette that reveals a portion of the emergence narrative through not only word, but also artifact and art. Together, history and passion weave the narrative.

As part of the online exhibit, CAIRNS has also provided a number of resources for educators and students. Each vignette is accompanied by the digital version of a museum plaque; the artist is introduced, the artwork is described, and the historical significance of the objects is explained. Also woven into the vignettes is a mini-lesson on counting from one to 16 in Lakota. Beyond the vignettes, CAIRNS provides both a background and a foreground. The background documents set the stage by helping readers understand the spirits of the underworld and the Pta people (the Lakota underworld ancestors). The foreground documents provide readers with a brief history of the Oceti Sakowin (Dakota, Nakota, and Lakota), focusing on the Titonwan (Lakota) nation.

Overall, it looks to be an excellent resource for many classrooms, particularly for those who are looking to add diversity to the curriculum or to add more depth to the Oceti Sakowin components of the curriculum.

Friday, September 18, 2015

John T. Price at Augustana!

John T. Price books and author photo

Are you a fan of David Sedaris or Annie Dillard? Maybe both? If so, you should make plans to hang out at Augustana's Kresge Recital Hall on Tuesday, September 29. Why? Because John T. Price will be there and, well, I can't say it any better than The Iowan:

“If David Sedaris and Annie Dillard had a literary love child and raised him in Iowa, he would write like this.” — The Iowan

Here's what you need to know:

John T. Price

Tuesday, Sept. 29
7:30 p.m.
Kresge Recital Hall

Tickets are available at the door. General admission is $5; children and Augustana students are free. (I wonder if I can still use my Augustana College ID?)

For more information, visit the ALA website or call the Mikkelsen Library at 605.274.4921.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Got a Proposal on Your Mind?

Sioux Falls Schools Logo

If the proposal on your mind is to another person, this information won't help you. However, if the proposal you are planning is for a class full of energetic learners, then please read on!

Looking to try something innovative and creative in your classroom next semester?

Looking for some funds to help you get the needed materials?

If you are employed by the Sioux Falls Public School District, you need to look here! The Education Foundation Grant is a competitive process that could get you the monies you need.

Up to $10,000!!

In a nutshell, the criteria state that the grant proposal must be for something that enhances the current curriculum in a creative and innovative way. (View the full list of criteria here.)

Two types of proposals are considered by two different groups. The Sioux Falls Public Schools Education Foundation will consider proposals up to $10,000! (Note: If your proposal requests more than $3,000, you may be asked to present your proposal to the panel.) The Sioux Falls Area Community Foundation considers smaller proposals of $1,000 or less.

Interested? Head to the Education Foundation website to read all of the details. The proposal form is a Google form and can be accessed here.

Remember: The proposals for the Innovation in Education Grants are due October 16, 2015, and must be submitted via the Google Form by 5:00 p.m. on that date.

Best wishes! And, I hope they say "Yes!" 

Holt Online Books

If you teach Accelerated English I or II, you will need to set up a teacher account and then accounts for your students. Access the instructions here.

McDougal Littel Classzone and EssaySmart Codes

If you currently teach a course that uses a McDougal Littel textbook (English I, English II, or American Lit), remember that students have online access through Classzone. If you can't find you Classzone codes, please email me and I can send them to you. (I am not posting them here as the codes are specific for our district.)

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Shift+Z = Happy Me!

Here's a little Google Drive tip that I have found especially helpful lately...

Unlike the traditional file folders on your desktop or laptop, Google Drive allows you to save a document in multiple folders on your Drive. Save really isn't the right word here. There is only one copy of the document, but Drive allows you to access it through more than one folder. It's sort of like how you and I can both access the same document through our own respective Drives. Two different paths. One destination.

For example...I have some English curriculum documents that were also part of the September 3rd inservice. I wanted to be able to have those documents at my fingertips while working on the inservice, but I also wanted the documents to remain with my English curriculum files.

The magic combination of Shift + Z allowed me to do both.

Here's how to tap into the magic.

I first created my document, saving it in my English curriculum folder. Then, instead of right-clicking on the document name to pull up options, I left-clicked one time to highlight it.

When I held down the Shift key and typed Z, an "Add To" box appeared, allowing me to designate a second home for the document.

Those few steps provided me with easy access to my documents from both folders. Why Google didn't just add that as an option to the right-click menu is beyond me, but as Bill Nye always said, "Now you know!"

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Semester Test Viewing Dates

Dr. Raeder will be hosting semester test previews starting this week. The test preview simply provides you with an opportunity to see the question types that are attached to the content standards and to see how they are worded. If you are unable to attend the preview scheduled for your building, you are welcome to attend a session at one of the other high schools. If none of the previews work for you, you are welcome to call ATI (605.367.6112) to set up a time to review the test. All 1st semester previews must be completed by November 30th, 2015.

You are invited to preview the District 1st semester tests at the following locations, dates, and times:
  • Tuesday September 22nd – Roosevelt High School – 3:15 - 4:30 p.m. – Library
  • Thursday, September 17th – Washington High School – 3:15 – 4:30 p.m. – Library
  • Thursday, October 29th – Lincoln High School – 3:15 – 4:30 p.m. – Library (Please note the date change from the original email!)

For those of you who like to put everything on the calendar at once, you are invited to preview the District 2nd semester tests at the following locations, dates, and times:
  • Monday February 8th –Roosevelt High School – 3:15 - 4:30 p.m. – Library
  • Tuesday February 9th – Washington High School – 3:15 – 4:30 p.m. -- Library
  • Thursday, February 11th – Lincoln High School – 3:15 – 4:30 p.m. – Library (Please note the date change from the original email!)

Perk Alert! Free Soup at Zoup!

If you teach in Sioux Falls, I hope you saw the email from our local Zoup! that they want to provide you a little "comfort in a bowl" to say Thank You for all you do! All you need to do for this perk is show your teacher ID at the 41st and Kiwanis location, and they will treat you to an 8 oz serving of soup and a hunk of bread.

Zoup!'s menu of soups changes daily; click on their logo above to view their website and online menu. They tend to offer some of the staple soups you would expect, plus a few more adventurous recipes. Whether you tend to eat low-fat, dairy-free, gluten-free, or vegetarian, my guess is that you will be able to find at least one soup that you could at least try for free. I checked today, and here is what I found on the menu:

  • Beef Barley
  • Chicken Wild Rice Medley
  • Fire Roasted Tomato Bisque
  • Frontier 7 Bean
  • Italian Pasta and Vegetable
  • Overstuffed Bell Pepper
  • Pumpkin Pie Bisque
  • Shrimp, Asparagus, and Dill
  • North Indian Lentil
  • Whole Grain Chicken and Dill
  • Chicken Potpie
  • Lobster Bisque
If I were going today, I think I'd be trying the Pumpkin Pie Bisque!

If you go, please remember to thank them for thanking us for doing what we love to do!

Friday, September 11, 2015

EdCamp SD 2015 (aka FREE PD!)

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EdCamp SD is back! Last fall marked the first of hopefully many EdCamps in our state, and the feedback I heard was positive! If you weren't able to attend the inaugural EdCamp SD, please put this date on your calendar and consider attending:

EDCAMP Harrisburg
Oct. 17th, 2015

If the term EdCamp is new to you, here's a quick run-down. It is commonly referred to as an unconference because, unlike a regular conference, no one plans the sessions ahead of time. The participants begin the morning by bringing forth possible topics. From there, "sessions" are assigned rooms, and while someone typically leads, there is no true presenter. Sessions typically resemble discussions more than presentations. The participants lead the learning by sharing their best practices.
The Details
Where: Harrisburg South Middle School (600 S. Cliff Ave, Harrisburg, SD 57032)
When: Saturday, Oct. 17 (8:30 am - 3:30 pm)
Cost: FREE!!

If you happen to be west-river that weekend, EdCamp Lead is also taking place on Oct. 17th at the Lead-Deadwood High School (320 S. Main St., Lead, SD 57754).

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Off and Running!

It's the first day of school around here. Which minion best describes you?

Option 1:
"I'm so excited! I just can't hide it!"
(Sung by Jessie Spano from Saved by the Bell, of course!)

Option 2:
The Deer-in-Headlights

Option 3:
I'm rockin' my new clothes, new glass(es), and new backpack!

Hope your year is off to a great start!