Friday, October 17, 2014

Online Semester Tests for 2014-2015

Just a reminder that regular English I and accelerated English II will be administering semester tests via the South Dakota Assessment Portal's secure browser. Here's a recap of the district information:

"A practice test will be available for each District Semester Test several weeks before the District Semester Test dates.  The tests will not necessarily be related to the content of the course and should not be graded.  The purpose of the practice tests is for students to become familiar with the process of taking a test online through the SDAP as well as for teachers to practice using ScoreNet to score the written portions of the test."

Accelerated English II
1.       Multiple Choice Test: Online

2.       Essay Test:  Students will enter their essay response online.  The Essay portion of the test will be administered the day before Semester Tests as in the past.  Teachers will use ScoreNet in the SDAP to enter the Essay score for each student.

English I
1.       Multiple Choice Test: Online
2.       Essay Test:  Students will enter their essay response online.  The Essay portion of the test will be administered the day before Semester Tests as in the past.  Teachers will use ScoreNet in the SDAP to enter the Essay score for each student.

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