Wednesday, December 3, 2014

SDAP/eMetric Semester Tests

If you teach regular English I or accelerated English II, you may be interested in some (or all!) of the documents in the "2014-2015 Online Semester Test Documents" folder. (Most - if not all of you - should already have access to it through your Google Drive, but you can get quick access through this post.)

Items currently in this folder include:
*Chromebook iTester App Instruction Slide
*District Semester Test Administration Details (email from ATI)
*Essay Portion Online Directions (information from ATI)
*Fall 2014 Practice Test Details (email from ATI)
*How to Access SDAP from a Laptop or Desktop
*How to Restore the SDAP Icon on Chromebooks
*Scheduling a District Test (teacher-created cheat-sheet)
*Scheduling a Test You Created (teacher-created cheat-sheet)
*SDAP Teacher Directions Sem Test (from ATI)

As we learn more information about the online semester test process, I will add documents to the folder.

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