Friday, December 12, 2014

Online Semester Tests Are Available for Semester 1

*This information is copied from the email that was sent out by the District on Monday, December 8, 2014. Please email either your department chair or myself if you did not receive the email as it does include two attachments.

The District Semester Tests are now available to be scheduled.  You will need to schedule several tests.  You will need to schedule an Essay test, the Multiple Choice test and, possibly, the Accommodation test.

1.)    The Essay test is available from December 17th – December 22nd.  Please create your individual testing windows to reflect this entire testing window to allow for makeups.  The Essay Test will be administered online.  The students will log in using their Essay Test passwords and enter their response on the right-hand side of the screen.

2.)    The Multiple Choice test is available from December 18th – December 22nd.  Please create your individual testing windows to reflect this entire testing window to allow for makeups. 

3.)    The Accommodation test is available from December 18th – December 22nd.  Please create your individual testing windows to reflect this entire testing window to allow for makeups.    This test is available for those students needing accommodations in which they would need to follow the paper copy of the test.  This test can be used for students needing a test read aloud in which a staff member could read from the paper copy while the student follows along on the screen.  This can also be used when a staff member, other than the student’s teacher, needs to transfer answers from a bubble sheet to the SDAP.

Each student will need to log into two tests; the Essay test and one of the Multiple Choice tests (the “… District Exam” test or the “… District Exam – Accm” test).

Tests to Schedule:
Accelerated English 2:
Acc English 2 S1 District Exam – Essay
Acc English 2 S1 District Exam

English I:
English 1 S1 District Exam – Essay
English 1 S1 District Exam
English 1 S1 District Exam – Accm

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

SDAP/eMetric Semester Tests

If you teach regular English I or accelerated English II, you may be interested in some (or all!) of the documents in the "2014-2015 Online Semester Test Documents" folder. (Most - if not all of you - should already have access to it through your Google Drive, but you can get quick access through this post.)

Items currently in this folder include:
*Chromebook iTester App Instruction Slide
*District Semester Test Administration Details (email from ATI)
*Essay Portion Online Directions (information from ATI)
*Fall 2014 Practice Test Details (email from ATI)
*How to Access SDAP from a Laptop or Desktop
*How to Restore the SDAP Icon on Chromebooks
*Scheduling a District Test (teacher-created cheat-sheet)
*Scheduling a Test You Created (teacher-created cheat-sheet)
*SDAP Teacher Directions Sem Test (from ATI)

As we learn more information about the online semester test process, I will add documents to the folder.