Friday, September 5, 2014

Convert Spreadsheet Responses to Google Docs!

To convert spreadsheet responses to Google docs, follow the steps below.

Add the Add-on

  1. Open the spreadsheet with the responses.
  2. Click on "Add-ons" on the spreadsheet toolbar.
  3. Click on "Get add-ons" in the drop-down menu.
  4. Search for "Save As Doc" in the search bar.
  5. Click on the blue "+ FREE" button for the add-on called "Save As Doc" by
  6. "Save As Doc" is now added to your spreadsheet.
Use the Add-on
  1. Back on the spreadsheet, click on "Add-ons" on the spreadsheet toolbar.
  2. Hover over "Save As Doc;" in the pop-up menu to the right, click on "Start."
  3. A "Save As Doc" box will open on the right-hand side of your spreadsheet.
  4. Name your new doc in the "Save Doc file as" box.
  5. Check the box for "First row of selection contains headings" if this is true for your spreadsheet. (It should be true because the first row should be your quiz questions.)
  6. Check the box for "Add a page break after each row" to place each responder on a new page in your new doc.
  7. Click on the "Select all data" button to highlight all boxes of text on your spreadsheet. (Alternatively, highlight what portion of the spreadsheet to include before you start the add-on.)
  8. Click "Save as Doc."
  9. Your new doc should show up in your drive (most likely on the "My Drive" page).

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