Ideas and Discoveries
*Post your daily agenda as an announcement. Include pertinent information such as: date, the essential question/goal, a brief list of the days tasks, etc. Then, attach files used during the class (notes, PPTS, handouts, etc.) This can serve as a one-stop-shopping-spot for absent students.*When a student turns in a paper through a Google Classroom assignment, the student's version of the document is un-editable until you "return" the graded document. If a student needs to edit something before you grade it, he/she must undo the turning in, and then resubmit the document by clicking the "Turn In" button a second time. This will update the time-stamp showing when the finished document was officially turned in.
Suggestions for Google
Below are some suggestions teachers have shared about possible improvements to Classroom. I encourage you to send this feedback to Google as well; hopefully with many voices, they will listen to the feedback in a timely manner. (Your teacher dashboard and your class pages have a feedback button in the lower right hand corner.)*Provide a "View as Student" button for teachers. (The student page is different than the teacher page.)
*Allow teachers to schedule future assignments by setting a future date and a specific time. Future assignments should remain hidden to students until the scheduled posting date/time.
*Provide options for alphabetizing student names, especially by last name. (Few teachers have a grade book set up with student names alphabetical by first name!)
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