Tuesday, February 23, 2016

SD Retired School Personnel Scholarship

If you are a K-12 teacher in South Dakota, have 5+ years of experience, and are working on an advanced degree or national certification, you may be the next lucky recipient of a $1000 scholarship from the SD Retired School Personnel (formerly the SD Retired Teacher Association). The last step you need to take is to fill out the scholarship application.

The application deadline is a little over a month away: April 5, 2016. The winners of the SDRSP scholarship will be notified and later recognized at the SDRTA convention on May 3, 2016.

Good luck!

Saturday, February 20, 2016

DWP "Teaching Shakespeare" Workshop

You may have heard that Shakespeare is visiting South Dakota this spring as part of a nation-wide tour (if not, click here to read my previous post about it), and while you probably won't be able to make all of the events during the First Folio's 27-day visit to USD's National Music Museum, this might be the one to put on your calendar.

On Saturday, March 12, the Dakota Writing Project is offering a FREE "Teaching Shakespeare" workshop. It is a five-hour commitment, unless you add in the commute to-and-from USD. Here's what the DWP has to say about the workshop:

“Teaching Shakespeare: Bring the Folio Experience into your Classroom"
Dakota Writing Project Workshop

Saturday, March 12, 2016
Cost: FREE!

"At whatever level you teach Shakespeare, come to this workshop, share your expertise, and learn new ways to approach Shakespeare in the classroom. Workshop facilitated by Darlene Farabee (Associate Professor, Department of English, USD). The Workshop includes continental breakfast, lunch, tour of the First Folio!exhibition, and supporting materials for classroom exercises. Spaces for the workshop are limited."

I realize the description is not very in-depth, but I have participated in two DWP experiences in the past, and they have been some of the best PD I have received. If you are at all interested, please consider attending! Plus, it is free!

Space is limited, so you will want to register soon if you are interested. Fill out the online registration here.

Shakespeare in South Dakota!

Did you hear?!


That's how I picture your reaction, anyway. Shakespeare being, of course, the English teacher's Beatles...You squealed when you read that line up above, right?

Even if your squeal was more of an "Oooo!" or just a "hmmm" like the girl on the right, you may want to keep reading because this is pretty cool.

2016 marks the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death. To celebrate, the Folger Shakespeare Library is sending out four of its 82 copies of Shakespeare's First Folio to tour the United States. For South Dakotans, that means 27 days of a copy on display at USD's National Music Museum and a plethora of Shakespearean events to commemorate the occasion. (This is starting to remind me of Sir Nicholas' deathday party in Harry Potter...)

The Folger traveling exhibit, First Folio! The Book that Gave Us Shakespeare, includes an interactive display along with a copy of the the First Folio. USD's NMM will host the exhibit from March 7 - April 2, 2016. During that time, USD and the Vermillion community will also host Elizabethan/Shakespeare-related concerts, movies, lectures, and family events, most of which will be free to the public. Click here to see the full schedule of events.

First Folio

Also, USD's Shakespeare Folio website provides some useful pieces for the classroom. First, it offers a brief history of the book and connects learners to more information via the Folger's website. Second, Darlene Farabee, Chair of the USD Department of English, speaks to students about Shakespeare and his book through three quick videos: "Shakespeare's Connection to Music," "What is the Shakespeare Folio," and "Why is Shakespeare Important?" (Scroll to the bottom of the website to locate the videos.)

Was I right? Pretty cool? Maybe I'm in the dark on this one, but this is the first Folio visit to SD of which I am aware, and I am hoping to catch a glimpse of this historical book. USD is just a wee bit closer than the Folger Shakespeare Library in D.C. Let me know if you want to carpool!